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Businesses Selling to Key Employees
Keeping succession close at hand
The Only Alaskan-Owned Producer
HEX/Furie keeps the lights on for local oil and gas
Family Legacy
Parents pass down generationally held businesses
Correction: On pg. 44 of the September 2023 issue, we misspelled the name in the photo credit. The correct spelling is Bering Straits Native Corporation.
Building Up the Kenai Peninsula
An economic development district propels local business activity
Is Your System Set Up to Fail?
Conducting post-incident investigations
Scope, Schedule, and Budget
Construction project managers organize
the chaos
WELL and RELi Design Standards
Holistic approaches to healthy buildings
Fifty Years of Trident Seafoods
Founder’s vision transformed the fishing industry
Businesses Selling to Key Employees
Keeping succession close at hand
The Only Alaskan-Owned Producer
HEX/Furie keeps the lights on for local oil and gas
Family Legacy
Parents pass down generationally held businesses
Building Up the Kenai Peninsula
An economic development district propels local business activity
Is Your System Set Up to Fail?
Conducting post-incident investigations
Scope, Schedule, and Budget
Construction project managers organize
the chaos
WELL and RELi Design Standards
Holistic approaches to healthy buildings
Fifty Years of Trident Seafoods
Founder’s vision transformed the fishing industry
Correction: On pg. 44 of the September 2023 issue, we misspelled the name in the photo credit. The correct spelling is Bering Straits Native Corporation.
Quick Reads
Golden Valley Electric Association
Golden Valley Electric Association
About The Cover

Every tabletop game requires a ruleset, an end goal, and players. The Top 49ers are major players at the “successful Alaska business” table, having set their sights on positive outcomes and refusing to step away while there’s still work to be done. On this cover, Andrea Gusty (center), president and CEO of The Kuskokwim Corporation, which represents ten Alaska villages along the Kuskokwim River; Geoff Lundfelt (right), president and CEO of Global Credit Union, which now serves more than 750,000 members; and Chris Devine (left), president and CEO of Craig Taylor Equipment, which recently acquired Peterbilt of Alaska, are representatives of the many world-class executives who meticulously plan for the future—and occasionally roll the dice—leading their companies to even bigger and brighter futures.
Photo by Kerry Tasker | Illustration by Tara Cox
Design by Monica Sterchi-Lowman
From the Editor

Billie Martin
Send address changes to
Alaska Business
501 W. Northern Lights Blvd. #100
Anchorage, AK 99503

Selling Your Business
7 things to consider
once-in-generation shift in business ownership.
That’s what I believe may be coming soon for Alaska’s economy. America’s Baby Boom generation is hitting the traditional age for retirement, and here in Alaska, almost half of all businesses are owned by Boomers. Therein lies a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to take the reins.
I’m one of those Boomers. I arrived in Alaska in 1990, four years after an oil crash that shook Alaska’s economy to its core and made it seem like the state couldn’t escape its boom-and-bust history. However, over the last thirty-plus years, I’ve seen the Alaska economy grow and diversify into what feels like a much more stable business environment.
the docks.
420 L Street, Suite 400
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 339-7125
business with us year after year.

oots—whether in the form of families or enterprises—are a firm foundation. When the owners of Alaska businesses embark on their endeavors, they can scarcely predict where those roots will branch out. When a business passes into the hands of the next generation, the new owners note that their ability to own a business would have been limited without the equipment, knowledge, and customers that their parents established. Generationally held businesses build a strong reputation in, and give back to, their communities.
No matter which market they serve, generational businesses create legacies for their families, their communities, and the economy.

hen businesses are sold, they are typically acquired by competitors or companies seeking to diversify their portfolio. But a growing trend is for small businesses to be purchased by one or more key employees looking to take on a leadership or ownership role.
In Alaska, entrepreneurial employees are realizing their dream of purchasing the companies where they have invested their time, energy, and lives.
While no official numbers are available to quantify how many Alaska businesses have sold to employees, there is clearly more interest in business ownership, including among employees. At least that’s what the Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is observing.
ffective leadership is crucial for organizational success in the ever-evolving landscape of business. Leadership teams bear the responsibility of guiding their organizations toward growth and innovation. To achieve this, leaders must throw out the rules of conventional management and adapt their approach to the unique qualities of their team members. It is pivotal to understand each employee’s strengths and weaknesses to implement a strengths-based management style. The best way to achieve this is to administer Gallup’s Strengths Assessments to all your employees, including your leadership team.
very business needs a business plan,” says Jon Bittner, executive director of the Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at UAA. “Do you need a sixty-page, high-gloss plan? Probably not; not at first, anyway. But it’s a really crucial first step for any business.”
That first step is more than a blueprint for the final form of a business, according to Ashley Snookes, program director at Spruce Root. “Business plans can be seen as a final destination, [but] when we look at a plan that way, it breaks. It doesn’t last for the many things that happen to a business,” she says.
Spruce Root is a nonprofit community development financial institution (CDFI) serving Southeast. In addition to its lending, networking, and philanthropic functions, Spruce Root’s Path to Prosperity program includes one-on-one business coaching, online training, and multi-day workshops.

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The Meeting:
May 26 – 31, 2024
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Estimated Economic Impact: $1,176,830
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We are committed to helping those who live or work in this state build their own Alaskan dream. Learn more at

We are committed to helping those who live or work in this state build their own Alaskan dream. Learn more at
hen John Hendrix’s company HEX Cook Inlet purchased Furie Operating Alaska, it was run by outside management and there was only one Alaskan working there. Now the company is 100 percent Alaskan-owned and operated.
In August 2019, Furie Operating Alaska filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and was marketed nationally to find new owners. At a December 2019 auction overseen by the courts, Hendrix made the highest bid, securing the rights to purchase Furie. In July 2020, Hendrix’s newly formed HEX Cook Inlet acquired the rest of Furie and its partners Cornucopia Oil & Gas Company and Corsair Oil & Gas in bankruptcy proceedings. With those acquisitions complete, Furie Operating Alaska became the state’s only Alaskan-owned natural gas producer.


The “successful business” game never ends. It is a path. Along the way, players encounter creatures that may aid in their journey. These fantasy experts are keepers of fantastic advice for improving the character attributes of a business, the basic kit of skills that each player starts with.
Meet your guides: Moosicorn, the unicorn-moose of customer service; Minoxen, the musk ox minotaur of safety; HR Kraken, the sea monster of human resources; the ancient and savvy IT Dragon; and the calculating and convivial Finance Fairy. They represent five foundational principles that every business must engage with. None of the five can be avoided, but each company may approach them differently, leaning into some more strongly than others. For instance, a sole proprietor may have little need for HR and de-emphasize that principle (what players call a “dump stat”).

he Top 49ers are Alaska’s largest local companies, as ranked by gross revenue. To qualify for the ranks, a company must have been founded in Alaska and remain headquartered here, and it cannot have a parent company that does not meet those requirements. Annually, Alaska Business surveys these companies, and with the information they submit, we create the Top 49ers list. The Top 49ers are economic drivers and community builders, which is possible through their success in their various sectors and industries.
What is success, though? Certainly, generating revenue is one measurement of success, but it’s not the only one. In the 2023 data gathering process, we asked the Top 49ers in what ways—other than making money—they measure success. Below are their answers, lightly proofed for house style and length.
toward the ranks of Top 49ers
very fall, Alaska Business releases its list of Top 49ers, and every year readers are left wondering—which companies just missed making it onto the list, and by how much?
One up-and-comer is ARG Industrial, still waiting to crack the ranks for the first time in its 43-year history. In any other recent year, ARG Industrial’s reported gross revenues of $54 million would have been enough to catapult it onto the list; last year, that revenue would have been enough for number 47. But this year, with the bottom revenue set at $62.3 million, ARG missed the ranks. Barely.
President and CEO Mike Mortensen believes the day is coming.
usiness revenue comes from customers, clients, and consumers, so without serving those customers, revenue can dry up. Great customer service, in addition to driving a company’s bottom line, has a number of other benefits, such as when satisfied clients share their experiences with others, boosting the potential for repeat business.
Alaska’s Top 49ers clearly know how to make sure clients, customers, and consumers want to come back again and again. Though operating in different areas, experts have much the same advice on how to make for a great customer service experience.

usiness revenue comes from customers, clients, and consumers, so without serving those customers, revenue can dry up. Great customer service, in addition to driving a company’s bottom line, has a number of other benefits, such as when satisfied clients share their experiences with others, boosting the potential for repeat business.
Alaska’s Top 49ers clearly know how to make sure clients, customers, and consumers want to come back again and again. Though operating in different areas, experts have much the same advice on how to make for a great customer service experience.

afety stands as a moral imperative and duty to the workforce, as well as economic necessity, shaping reputations and impacting project and service results. Successful businesses keep safety at the core of all they do, committing to a suite of values and behaviors that enhance and reinforce safety at every turn—from the safety of their people to protecting valuable assets and the invaluable Alaska environment.
“Safety is our top priority,” says Robyn DiLorenzo, corporate safety director at Watterson Construction, one of the largest Alaskan owned and operated construction contractors in the state. “We don’t balance safety against any other consideration. If we can’t do something safely, we don’t do it. Budgets and schedules are built around safety. Our experience is that planning and completing a project safely produces better job cost.”
Watterson and other Top 49ers have learned how investing in safety ultimately improves the bottom line on all fronts.

op-tier companies like the Top 49ers didn’t get there by chance. It takes effort, vision, planning, and persistence to unlock top-shelf status. Most importantly, it takes an excellent team of employees.
Hiring talented workers is just one step; after successfully enticing a promising team, employers must think about how they’re going to foster creativity, empower them to do their best work, and encourage them to grow.
PeopleAK founder Paula Bradison and Christine Brown, lead recruiter and human resources services partner with Wilson Albers, are two prominent Alaska recruiters and business consulting companies. Here are their tips for how they attract and retain high-quality employees, as well as advice that they provide to their clients looking to attract talent.

Anchorage, AK 99501-5907

laskans cannot always drive to “the next town over” to pick up the tools they need. Location, production, service, and shipping factors complicate access to equipment and business technology. Therefore, planning for contingencies, keeping equipment on hand, and assessing what strategy works best—buying or renting—are keys to running smoothly.
Two companies, differently sized and positioned in separate markets, have shared insights about how customers can evaluate their best paths forward. Craig Taylor Equipment is a Top 49er that specializes in providing the heavy gear that clients need. Up-and-comer beadedstream deals in more high-tech gadgets yet serves the same role in supplying the means for customers to maximize their productivity. Both companies’ leaders guide their teams on how to help their customers decide what works best for them.

ome of the best counsel Michele Schuh, executive vice president and CFO of First National Bank Alaska (FNBA), ever received is to build a good business plan that includes a cash flow model. That step helps ensure that financial decisions and desired outcomes are tied to the business mission and stakeholder goals. “From a financial view, planning where sources of cash are generated, along with how money is utilized, is critical to success,” she says. “Every business will have competing demands for resources to meet objectives for growth, diversification, efficiency, or productivity. Funding decisions on when to raise capital, when to borrow, and how to use existing cash generated from operations can be effectively modeled in a good business plan and executed with confidence.”
Brice Environmental
From The Ground Up.
ulk salt sells for pennies per ounce. Alaska Pure Sea Salt Company, though, sells 4-ounce pouches for $14 apiece.
“A lot of people in town thought we had lost our marbles,” says Jim Michener, who co-owns the Sitka-based company with his wife. As they were starting more than a decade ago, he recalls neighbors scoffing, “Why would I pay this price that seems outrageous for a product I can buy at the grocery store for a percentage of that?”
Over time, the community began to understand the product, and Michener says Sitkans are now the company’s biggest advocates. When cruise ship visitors inundate the town, locals tell tourists they absolutely must visit the salt store.
Let’s get

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usiness is booming on the Kenai Peninsula, in large part due to the Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District (KPEDD), one of only four federally recognized business districts in Alaska. By leveraging the involvement of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, these economic development districts—including Southeast Conference in Juneau, Prince William Sound Economic Development District in Cordova, and Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference serving Kodiak, Bristol Bay, and the Aleutians and Pribilof Islands—are able to establish a strategic blueprint for economic development regionwide.
orkplace incidents requiring follow-up investigation fall into several categories, ranging from accidents that result in serious injuries, death, and/or major property damage to lesser events involving minor injuries and/or negligible property damage and even extending to “near-miss” incidents which—while not resulting in direct injury or damage—expose the strong potential for such outcomes in the future. Progressive employers are likely to have what they believe to be a strong and comprehensive investigation procedure in place, espousing the need to determine the root cause(s) of accidents and near-miss incidents and to follow up with appropriate corrective actions to ensure that such incidents will not reoccur.
hen Mass Excavation, Inc. (Mass X) general manager Justin Shields was in college studying construction management, he learned the mantra for his career. “For me, the foundation of project management can be summed up in three words: scope, schedule, budget,” says Shields. “We live and die by those three words in this industry.”
Laying out a clear plan of action, communicating that plan, and sticking to it ensures that construction projects meet the owner’s expectations. Harmonizing all the players is the job of the project manager. The list of essential duties and responsibilities for those who assume this important role in the construction industry is a lengthy one.
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he design of a building can affect the quality of people’s lives and their productivity at work,” says Dana Nunn, director of interior design at Bettisworth North in Anchorage. Nunn is well aware of the intersection of mind and surroundings: she studied chemical engineering and worked in hospitality, and now she is an accredited professional in both the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and WELL building standards.
“WELL” is not an acronym for anything. It was devised by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) in 2013 to incorporate human comfort and mental health with environmental and engineering factors. The US Green Building Council (USGBC), which awards LEED credentials, can certify WELL as a third party, and it developed its own resilient design rating system: RELi.

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ne out of every eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetimes. With early detection, the disease is easier to treat, surgeries are less invasive, patients can take less medication, and patients experience better outcomes overall.
In Alaska, the American Cancer Society estimates that 520 new female breast cancer cases will be diagnosed in 2023, and 60 women will die of the disease.
One of the best ways to intercept the disease in its earliest stages, however, is through mammography, which detects breast cancers, benign tumors, and cysts before they can be felt by touch. In fact, early detection with screening mammography can decrease mortality from 30 percent to 15 percent.

cDonald’s and Long John Silver’s can thank Chuck Bundrant for the enduring success of their fish filet sandwiches. The founder of Trident Seafoods convinced the chain restaurants to switch from cod to pollock in the late ‘80s.
That coup alone is indicative of Chuck’s fertile mind, an entrepreneurial drive that powered him from owning his first vessel, a 135-foot crab boat F/V Billikin, to a company-owned fleet of more than thirty vessels ranging up to 356 feet.
From Tennessee to the wilds of Alaska’s ocean, Chuck took a leap of faith in himself. Having arrived with friends who left Alaska after the summer, he stayed and parlayed the $80 in his pocket into a fish industry empire.
The same holds true for your business, which will require steadfast preparation of your marketing activity. Not only do you want to survive—you want to succeed!
In October we’re at the doorstep to another Alaska winter. This is the time to prepare for 2024. You may still be gathering the “nuts and berries” of this year’s bounty, but in order to have such a harvest next year you must also prepare for what lies ahead.

t’s time to talk work structures instead of just work wellness.
According to the Global Wellness Institute, work wellness was a $52 billion dollar industry in 2019, with the overall wellness economy estimated at $4.4 trillion in 2020. With all that budget going towards wellness, it sure seems work stress issues should be solved by now—that is, if wellness alone could solve them.
Historically, work wellness has primarily focused on support at the individual level. What started off as gym memberships and fancy cafeterias has more recently shifted toward trainings and support for more self-care, self-agency, and healthier personal work habits. Yet lately this is getting some scrutiny. Work wellness is a bit more nuanced than just what a single individual can do personally; we need to take into account other factors such as corporate culture, power dynamics, workflow structures, healthy workloads, and multiple other variables if we want real change.
n May 1, 2023, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced a new National Emphasis Program (NEP) with a focus on reducing fall-related injuries and fatalities. This announcement purposefully coincided with the start of the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, which concluded on May 5, 2023.
The goal of this NEP is to “significantly reduce or eliminate unprotected worker exposures to fall-related hazards in all industries that can result in serious injuries and deaths.” OSHA intends to utilize a combination of enforcement methods for the construction industry, including hazard-based inspection targeting as well as optional locally generated programmed targeting. Along with federal OSHA Region 10, which has jurisdiction at many jobsites in Alaska, this program has been adopted and implemented in Alaska under Program Directive 23-05 by Alaska Occupational Safety and Health (AKOSH). These inspections are slated to last three years.

Alaska Trends
ven accounting for inflation over thirty-eight years, the Top 49ers have shown incredible growth. In 1985 the combined revenue of all Top 49ers was $2.7 billion, worth about $7.8 billion in today’s dollars. That approximates the combined gross revenue of this year’s #1 and #2 by themselves.
The first #1, Carr-Gottstein Foods, reported $335 million in gross revenue, or just over $1 billion adjusted for inflation. On this year’s list, five companies earned more.
The inaugural Top 49ers covered a broader variety of industry sectors compared to the ranks today, which are dominated by Alaska Native corporations. Two major disruptions explain the change. First, Alaska Native corporations have grown to contain diverse business lines on their own. Second, after the 1985 economic crash, nine of the original 49ers dropped out, never to be seen again.
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi.
Dead or alive, who would you like to see perform in concert?
I have always wanted to make it to a Carlos Santana concert.
What’s your greatest extravagance?
What do I have that’s extravagant? I have a fancy bed. I splurged on a Tempur-Pedic bed. That’s extravagant to me.
What vacation spot is on your bucket list?
Taking my kids to Athens, Greece. I went there once, years ago. I had a blast.
If you could domesticate a wild animal, what animal would it be?
Hands down, an elephant. I’ve always loved elephants. Or a gorilla.

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi.
Dead or alive, who would you like to see perform in concert?
I have always wanted to make it to a Carlos Santana concert.
What’s your greatest extravagance?
What do I have that’s extravagant? I have a fancy bed. I splurged on a Tempur-Pedic bed. That’s extravagant to me.
What vacation spot is on your bucket list?
Taking my kids to Athens, Greece. I went there once, years ago. I had a blast.
If you could domesticate a wild animal, what animal would it be?
Hands down, an elephant. I’ve always loved elephants. Or a gorilla.
Off the Cuff
aised in Eagle River, Jasmin Smith has been adopted by Mountain View. She nurtures the neighborhood in return, locating her Umoja Coworking & Incubator there. Named for the Swahili word for unity, “It’s a nonprofit designed to be a coworking space for entrepreneurs in communities who need it the most,” she explains.
Smith aspired to be a primatologist like Jane Goodall, but while at college in Atlanta her path led to the music industry. “The rappers said, ‘You sound fancy. Where are you from?’ So, because I knew how to talk professionally, they hired me to be their business person,” she recalls. Handling contracts morphed into a consulting business.
- 3-Tier Alaska
- Ahtna, Inc.
- Airport Equipment Rentals
- Alaska Air Cargo - Alaska Airlines
- Alaska Argo Rentals LLC
- Alaska Communications Systems
- Alaska Dreams Inc
- Alaska Mergers & Acquisitions, LLC
- Alaska Miners Association
- Alaska Professional Pumping
- Alaska School Activities Assoc.
- Alaska Travel Industry Assoc.
- Altman, Rogers & Co.
- Alyeska Tire
- Ampersand
- Anchorage Chrysler Dodge
- Anchorage Convention Centers
- Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
- ASRC Construction
- Avis Rent-A-Car
- Bering Straits Native Corp
- Bob's Services, Inc.
- Bristol Bay Native Corporation
- BSI Commercial Real Estate, LLC
- C & R Pipe and Steel, Inc
- Calista Corporation
- Cape Fox Shared Services
- Color Art Printing, Inc.
- ConocoPhillips
- Conrad-Houston Insurance Agency
- Construction Machinery Industrial
- Cook Inlet Tug & Barge Inc
- Credit Union 1
- Cruz Companies
- Davis Constructors & Engineers Inc
- Dorsey & Whitney LLP
- Doyon, Limited
- Equipment Source, Inc
- First National Bank Alaska
- Fountainhead Development
- Golden Valley Electric Assoc.
- Great Northwest Inc
- Great Originals Inc
- Groeneveld-BEKA Lubrication Systems
- HDL Engineering Consultants, LLC
- Hecla Greens Creek Mining Company
- Hotel Captain Cook
- Huna Totem Corporation
- JAG Alaska
- Junior Achievement
- Littler
- Lynden
- Material Flow & Conveyor Systems, Inc.
- Matson Inc.
- Moda
- Matanuska Telecom Association
- Nana Regional Corp
- Nenana Heating Services, Inc
- New Horizons Telecom, Inc.
- Northern Air Cargo
- Northrim Bank
- Nu Flow Alaska
- Oxford Assaying & Refining Inc
- Pacific Power Group
- Parker, Smith & Feek
- PeopleAK
- Personnel Plus Employment Agency
- PIP Marketing Signs Print
- PND Engineers Inc.
- Providence Health & Services Alaska
- Providence Imaging Center
- Resource Development Council
- Roger Hickel Contracting Inc
- Satellite Alaska
- Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, P.C.
- Seatac Marine Service
- SES Space & Defense
- Sitnasuak Native Corporation
- Span Alaska Transportation LLC
- Stellar Designs Inc
- Structured Communication Systems
- Subway of Alaska
- Superior Group
- T. Rowe Price
- The Kuskokwim Corporation
- TOTE Maritime Alaska LLC
- UA Local 375 Plumbers & Pipefitters
- Udelhoven Oilfield System Services, Inc
- Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation
- Umialik Insurance Company
- United Way of Anchorage
- Visit Anchorage
- Vitus Energy
- Watterson Construction
- Westmark Hotels - HAP Alaska
- World Trade Center Anchorage
- Yukon Equipment Inc

It takes a city: United Way of Anchorage works with partners across our community to engage families and help them build bright futures. Learn more about our work and how you can get involved at

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