Alaska Trends -Mine,Mine,Mine

operating mines and developing projects graph
A Timeline of Mining Production in Alaska
A Timeline of Mining Production in Alaska
Employment in the Mines
Employment in the Mines
Greens Creek is the largest Southeast Alaska for-profit employer, in terms of payroll.

Kensington is 2nd largest private sector employer in Southeast Alaska in terms of payroll; over $36 million in 2017.

Pogo paid approximately $44 million in wages.

2418 people are directly employed by the top six mines.
5 Major metal mines =
9200 Mining industry jobs =
$715 million in payroll
2018 the mining industry paid local municpalities $34 MILLION
2018 the mining industry paid local municipalities
$34 Million
Fort Knox is the largest single property taxpayer in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

Greens Creek is the largest payer of property tax and Kensington is the 2nd largest payer of property tax in the City and Borough of Juneau.

Red Dog is the only taxpayer in the N.W. Arctic Borough.

Usibelli provides fuel for 29% of interior Alaska
Usibelli provides fuel for
of Interior Alaska

ANS Crude Oil Production

ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices

Statewide Employment Figures
Alaska Trends September 2019: ANS Crude Oil Production graph

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

Alaska Trends September: ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices graph

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

Seasonally Adjusted
Alaska Trends September 2019: Statewide Employment Figures graph

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research & Analysis Section

ANS Crude Oil Production

Alaska Trends September 2019: ANS Crude Oil Production graph

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices

Alaska Trends September: ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices graph

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

Statewide Employment Figures

Seasonally Adjusted

Alaska Trends September 2019: Statewide Employment Figures graph

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research & Analysis Section