Natural Resource Development
close up view of the hills leading up to a snowy mountain top
Natural Resource typographic title
Kerry Tasker
Development typographic title
Naturally, the interests of the Resource Development Council (RDC) span the mineral, vegetable, and animal assets of Alaska. The trade association’s membership draws from the oil and gas industry, of course, but RDC encourages a diversified economic base. Therefore, the group promotes mining, forestry, fishing, and even tourism. Allow RDC’s executive director, Leila Kimbrell, to explain further in this special section’s Q&A.

Another advocacy group, the Council of Alaska Producers, recently changed its name: say hello to “Alaska Metal Mines.” Also in this section, meet the UAF research labs that support mining activity in “Let’s Get Geophysical.”

Rather than nuggets of news from the six large producing mines in Alaska, our annual mining update takes the form of conversations with four operators in “Major Mines in 2023. During the discussion, the topic of exploration at Hatcher Pass comes up and is then further detailed in “Lucky Shot.”

Outside of this special section, learn more about in-house engineers at Alaska mines, the retail side of the gold and silver trade, and a proposed mining road west of the Susitna River that opens potential recreational opportunities.

Yes, recreation in the state’s natural surroundings is a resource, too. Thus, this section contains our cover story, “One Step at a Time,” an update on the Alaska Long Trail.

After investigating enforcement measures against high-seas seafood poaching in “Fighting Illegal Fishing,” flip to Alaska Trends for the year’s accomplishments in aquaculture, a natural resource primed for major development in a state with a longer marine coastline than the rest of the Lower 48 combined.