Homer-based Bay Welding launched the Goldbelt Seawolf, commissioned for Goldbelt Transportation. The 74-foot catamaran was engineered by Anchorage-based Coastwise Corporation to provide transportation to and from the Kensington Mine, as well as to provide Goldbelt Transportation with the flexibility necessary to explore other business opportunities.
The project took eleven months, and the Seawolf is the largest vessel ever built in Homer. Two cranes operated by Alaska Crane were necessary to launch the vessel. For this entirely-Alaska project, all of the companies involved are based in Alaska and employ a local workforce. Each business sources materials and services in-state wherever possible, doing their part to keep business in the state and continue to grow Alaska’s economy. bayweldboats.com

Bay Welding | Alaska Crane | Goldbelt Transportation
The reindeer research herd at the Fairbanks Experiment Farm has moved to a bison and reindeer farm near Delta Junction. The Bureau of Indian Affairs, which owns the animals, approved the transfer. The university’s Reindeer Research Program has maintained a herd at UAF since 1997 for research on range management, nutrition, and feed rations.
Milan Shipka, director of the UAF Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, says the transfer reflects a shift in program goals. The new emphasis will focus more on outreach, as well as developing range and business plans for communities interested in establishing a reindeer herd. uaf.edu

©Judy Patrick Photography
Ch’anikna Commons features one-and three-bedroom apartments ranging from 521 to 1,726 square feet. cookinlethousing.org