What book is currently on your nightstand?
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a #@%: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson.

What vacation spot is on your bucket list?
Anywhere sunny.

What charity or cause are you passionate about?
Children’s sports. Local adoption agencies.

If you could domesticate a wild animal, what animal would it be?
A lynx… They’re probably really gentle and really nice and soft, but then they would flip a switch and bite your head off in about two seconds. That kind of reminds me of being in business [she laughs]. I deal with those kinds of animals every day!

What’s the first thing you do when you get home after a long day at work?
I normally get dinner ready for my family (or at least pull out leftovers for them). I always make sure that we have nice meals to eat.

Amie Sommer baking in her kitchen
What book is currently on your nightstand?
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a #@%: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson.

What vacation spot is on your bucket list?
Anywhere sunny.

What charity or cause are you passionate about?
Children’s sports. Local adoption agencies.

If you could domesticate a wild animal, what animal would it be?
A lynx… They’re probably really gentle and really nice and soft, but then they would flip a switch and bite your head off in about two seconds. That kind of reminds me of being in business [she laughs]. I deal with those kinds of animals every day!

What’s the first thing you do when you get home after a long day at work?
I normally get dinner ready for my family (or at least pull out leftovers for them). I always make sure that we have nice meals to eat.

Photos by Young Kim

Off the Cuff

Amie Sommer

heet-pan grilled halibut with asparagus warms in the oven while Amie Sommer entertains guests in the kitchen she designed and built with her husband on the outskirts of Wasilla. He added the construction side to the environmental contracting firm she founded, Tutka LLC, named for the bay near Seldovia where she keeps a family cabin.

The Homer area happens to be where her company recently completed a major project, replacing a truss bridge over the Anchor River with a steel-girder single span. Sommer says that she’s proud of every project, but she’s especially interested in low-key environmental contracts. As a teenager, she collected hazardous waste for the Anchorage municipal landfill, which led to earning a degree in environmental science. One service Tutka provides is monitoring beluga whales for Cook Inlet development projects, which brings Sommer close to her childhood dream of becoming a wildlife biologist.

When the oven timer dings, Sommer adds bacon and parmesan cheese to the halibut and serves it with dill pickle dressing. Another heartfelt creation.

Alaska Business: What do you do in your free time?
Amie Sommer: Besides spending time with my family, I have a good group of girl friends. We try to get together and work out a few times a week. We do wine yoga

AB: What’s your favorite local restaurant?
Sommer: The Grape Tap [in downtown Wasilla].

AB: What’s your best attribute and worst attribute?
Sommer: I think my best attribute is numbers. And friendliness, approachability (yet stern). My worst attribute is sometimes I don’t know how to politely tell somebody off… I know how to tell them off, but sometimes I’m way too harsh, to the point… I’ve worked for years to try to get softer.

AB: Dead or alive, who would you like to see perform live in concert?
Sommer: Garth Brooks.

AB: What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Sommer: Starting a business is daring. It’s still daring, and every time we have a big bid it’s daring. You get a bid and you’re worried that you messed up, so that’s, to me, probably the most daring thing I’ve ever done.

AB: Is there a skill you’re currently developing or have always wanted to learn?
Sommer: Short-term rentals… We’ve been doing a VRBO vacation rental retreat down there [in Arizona], and that’s been one of my side projects.

AB: What’s your greatest extravagance?
Sommer: Houses. We like to build properties and buy properties and sell properties. I like to decorate them—not lavishly, per se, but it costs money… I don’t get my nails done, let’s put it that way.

Amie Sommer in green floral patterned apron