From the Editor
Stronger Apart
hat a year, right? Last year around this time we were expecting an economic recovery just around the corner, in no small part due to an anticipated record-breaking year for tourism in Alaska. But even though the Lower 48 can sometimes feel like a world away, it’s not so far that the 49th State was spared the devastating effects of COVID-19.
As the year progressed, COVID-19 cases increased pretty steadily, causing often irreparable damage to lives and livelihoods for people of all ages across every industry in the state—but in particular for the tourism and hospitality industries. Leisure and hospitality saw job losses of more than 33 percent from September 2019 to September 2020 (that’s some 13,600 fewer jobs than during the same time period last year). The transportation, warehousing, and utilities sector had 6,000 fewer jobs, mainly in scheduled air transportation and scenic and sightseeing transportation, according to an Alaskanomics report from late October.
In any other year, Alaska is a bucket list destination for more than 2.5 million people. Tourists are welcomed with open arms to towns and villages statewide. But this year welcoming anyone with open arms proved to be difficult. And dangerous.
At a time when most of us are confused and looking for answers where there are few to be found, a calm voice and careful, consistent messaging can be life-saving.
Enter our cover model and Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Anne Zink. Since the pandemic reared its ugly head here in March, Zink has served as a stabilizing force, providing consistent messaging throughout: wash your hands, wear a mask, and practice social distancing. Seems simple enough on the surface, but helping the public—and its many, many personalities—understand why taking these steps is important requires a smart, soothing, tenacious touch. Zink and her team at the Department of Health and Social Services have worked tirelessly for nearly a year with the medical community, with municipalities, and with the public, all with the goal of stopping the spread of COVID-19.
This month’s healthcare special section is dedicated to Zink and all of the healthcare workers who continue to fight this virus, day after day, week after week, never giving up even as cases continue to climb.
The best way we can honor the people working so hard to protect and care for us is by following their advice: wash your hands often; keep your social bubble small, stay at least six feet away from those outside your bubble—and wear a mask.
Just wear a mask,

Managing Editor, Alaska Business

Managing Editor, Alaska Business