Events Calendar
Events Calendar
This is a musical adventure through a bug’s life, perfect for children and families. Is Spider getting too big for his own skin? Will Fly find her superhero powers in time to save her Aunt Rita from peril? Will Worm learn to stand on his own two feet…even though he doesn’t have feet? This heartwarming musical captures all of the droll humor and whimsy of the wildly popular books. cyranos.org
Taking place at Cornerstone Church in Anchorage, this bazaar annually celebrates the unique nature of the local Alaskan artist community. In addition to shopping, guests can enjoy food at the concession stand, gourmet coffee, and live music. Admission and parking are free. facebook.com/pg/WonderfullyMadeChristmasBazaar
Christmas Village is a perfect opportunity to buy all of those last-minute gifts. Held at the Dena’ina Center from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Christmas Village allows both Alaskan-made and imported items to be sold. anchoragemarkets.com
The Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage presents the annual Solstice Tree Tour—this event encourages members of Alaska’s northern community of all ages and abilities to get outside and celebrate the winter solstice. The Solstice Tree Tour will showcase the trees along the first 2.5 k of the Mize Loop at Kincaid Park. Local businesses sponsor trees along the route and decorate them to create a winter wonderland along one of the most well-loved trails at Kincaid. Admission to the tour, which takes place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., is free. anchoragenordicski.com
Colony Christmas is an old-fashioned country Christmas celebration with craft fairs, horse-drawn and reindeer sleigh rides, pictures with Santa, fireworks, and the MTA Colony Days Parade of Lights, all in downtown Palmer. palmerchamber.org/colony-christmas
Eagle River
The Nature Center hosts its annual celebration of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Guests can bring their own lantern or borrow one from the center. Dress for being outdoors and follow the lantern-lit path along the Rodak Nature Trail to the big bonfire anytime between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Please bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the Eagle River Food Bank. ernc.org
The Design Alaska Holiday Concert, which sells out every year, features Eduard Zilberkant conducting the Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra, the Fairbanks Symphony Chorus, and the Northland Youth Choir. Guests will be treated to traditional holiday favorites at the C.W. Davis Concert Hall on the UAF campus beginning at 4 p.m. fairbankssymphony.org
Starting at 1 p.m., on the shortest day of the year, walk with a Friends of Creamer’s Field naturalist near the iconic Creamer’s barns. friendsofcreamersfield.org
Brilliant fireworks are launched from UAF’s West Ridge at 8 p.m. Celebrate the New Year and kick off UAF’s centennial with cocoa and cookies at the University of Alaska Museum of the North. explorefairbanks.com
Celebrate the season with a twist: drag queens and kings perform a tribute to the season at The Red Dog Saloon in Juneau from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. jahc.org
Kick off the holiday season with friends and family at the Annual Holiday Pops Concert. Bring the whole family to enjoy an evening of favorite holidays songs performed by friends, family, and neighbors at the UAS Egan Library on December 15 and at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center on December 16. jahc.org
Taking place every year the week of Christmas, for Julebukking the streets of downtown Petersburg fill with bundled customers looking for last minute gifts for friends and family. According to Norwegian tradition, local merchants offer customers amazing seafood delights, familiar Norwegian pastries, and warming spirits in appreciation of their business during the past year. petersburg.org
Mat-Su Concert Band, the largest and oldest musical organization in the Mat-Su Borough, presents “Holiday Sounds,” a celebration of the season that includes selections such as Carol of the Shepherds, Christmas March, and Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, with opportunities for the audience to join the band singing. matsuconcertband.org