Hoffman Consulting Logo
Lady fishing with bear in background
Based in Fairbanks, Hoffman Consulting provides emergency planning and preparedness services for businesses and organizations throughout Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.

ailure to recognize an approaching threat can be a real bear… At Hoffman Consulting, we firmly believe that the time to prepare for emergencies is before they appear on the horizon, not when you find yourself suddenly confronting a crisis.

With over 30 years’ experience in public and private-sector emergency response, risk assessment/mitigation, and crisis management communications, we can develop the site-specific response plans and resource guides necessary to face any challenge.

Our first priority lies in the identification of specific risks that threaten the viability of your operations. In doing so, we’ll assess both the probability of a specific risk occurrence, as well as helping to quantify the magnitude of potential impacts.

Once we’ve identified your site’s major threats, we’ll develop a series of clear response plans addressing each specific scenario. All plans are event-specific, designed to empower your staff by offering clear direction to guide their actions in an emergency.

EAP’s provided to your company shall be formatted under a template developed specifically for your business, and shall meet and exceed the OSHA Emergency Action Plan standard as specified under 29 CFR 1910.38.

In addition to providing clear authority and direction for all levels of staff, each EAP provides critical, “at your fingertips” information such as emergency phone numbers, facility diagrams, evacuation maps, and any special-consideration appendices necessary.

We set an important distinction between immediate emergency response efforts, versus the sustained actions requiring implementation following an initial event. These efforts constitute the long-term crisis management response. At Hoffman Consulting, we have the expertise necessary to assist you in the development of a robust, scalable framework for crisis management response to serve your organization.

All crisis-management plans are structured to align with today’s best practices in the utilization of National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) protocols, for three important reasons:

  • NIMS/ICS reflects fundamental principles of accountability and controllable chain-of-command;
  • NIMS/ICS is designed to be highly scalable, allowing you to field a temporary team structure no larger than necessary to serve your immediate organizational objectives;
  • All emergency-response and regulatory agencies that you’ll likely coordinate with following a major event utilize these same protocols, thus ensuring you’ll be speaking the “same language.”
Dan Hoffman holding a fish
corporate speaking engagements and other services
In addition to our planning and document-preparation services, we can provide direct training to your management and staff in the formulation and delivery of crisis messaging and communications, as well as facilitating table-top and “real-world” event exercises.

Moreover, Daniel can be scheduled to speak at your next leadership development event or business training seminar, emphasizing the value of building deliberative risk-management processes into your company’s culture.

A welcome break from the standard, bone-dry risk management fare often presented at such trainings, attendees will find Dan’s messaging to be both meaningful and memorable.

Ideal for fishing-based corporate retreats, Daniel’s presentations are most commonly framed through his fly-fisherman’s perspective, drawing lessons from his latest book: An Alaska Flyfisher’s Odyssey: Seeking a Life of Drag-Free Drift in the Land of the Midnight Sun.

An Alaska Flyfisher’s Odyssey: Seeking a Life of Drag-Free Drift in the Land of the Midnight Sun Book Cover
For more information, contact:

Daniel Hoffman, Principal
(907) 854-8674

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