Alaska Native

SOURCE: AK Division of Community and Regional Affairs
Yugtun/Central Yup’ik

Central Yup’ik is one of the Yupik languages in the Inuit-Unangan language family. This welcome, Cama-i, quyana tailuci!, literally means “Greetings, thank you for coming!”
Deg Xinag

Deg Xinag is the language of the Deg Hit’an people, one of the Athabascan languages in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Ndadz dengit’a?, literally means “Hello, how are you?”

Denaakk’e is one of the Athabascan languages in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Enaa neenyo, literally means “It is precious that you came!”

Dena’ina is one of the Athabascan languages in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Naghe nduniya!, literally means “Welcome!”
Dinak’i/Upper Kuskokwim

Dinak’i (Upper Kuskokwim) is an Athabascan language in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Do’ent’a?, literally means “How are you?”
Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa/Gwich’in

Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa, also known as Gwich’in, is an Athabascan language in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Nakhwal’in shoo ihlii, translates roughly to mean “I am happy to see you all.”
Doogh Qinaq/Holikachuk

Doogh Qinaq (also known as the Holikachuk language) is an Athabascan language in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Etla, s’coy, literally means “Hello, my grandchild.”
Häl golan/Hän

Häl golan, also known as the Hän language, is an Athabascan language in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Nänjit dähònche?, translates roughly to mean “Hello, how are you?”

Inupiaq is one of the Inuit languages in the Inuit-Unangan language family. This welcome, Paglagivsi, literally means “Welcome!”

Nee’aandeg’, also known as Tanacross, is an Athabascan language in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Nts’é t’ínt’eh?, translates roughly to mean “Hello, how are you?”
Sm’algyax/(Coast) Tsimshian

Sm’álgyax is a Tsimshianic language spoken in Southeast Alaska and Northwestern British Columbia. This welcome, Ama sah gya’wn, translates roughly to mean “It is a good day today.”
Akuzipigestun/St. Lawrence Island Yupik

St. Lawrence Island Yupik, also known as Siberian Yupik, is one of the Yupik languages in the Inuit-Unangan language family. This welcome, Quyaakamsi tagilghiisi, literally means “Thank you all for coming!”

Sugpiaq (Sugt’stun in the Sugpiaq language) or Alutiiq is closely related to the Central Yup’ik language in the Inuit-Unangan language family. This welcome, Cama’i, literally means “Hello, welcome!”

Tlingit is one of the languages in the Na-Dene language family. This welcome, Yak’éi haat yigoodée!, literally means “It is good that you have come here!”
Unangam Tunuu/Aleutian Aleut

Unangam Tunuu is the language of the Unangax^ (also known as Aleut) people and one of the Inuit-Unangan languages. This welcome, Aang, literally means “Yes” or “Hello.”
Xaat Kíl/Haida

Xaat Kíl, also known as Haida, is a language isolate, meaning it does not have any known genetic relationship to other languages. This welcome, Sán uu dáng gíidang?, translates roughly to mean “Hello, how are you?”