Halloween Events
alloween in Alaska can be tricky, as end-of-October weather ranges from cold and dry to wet and slippery, and there’s no telling if one will be balancing on ice or trekking through several feet of snow. But Alaskans know these challenges, and there are events in every community that promote safe and fun (and sometimes warm) Halloween and fall activities.
Join the Alaska Railroad for the Halloween family fun: a ride on the rails complete with costumes, crafting, and tasty treats. The train travels 2.5 hours round-trip from Anchorage to Indian. Passengers enjoy monster-size fun, including a magician, crafts, balloon animals, Halloween-themed bingo, a raffle, and coloring contest. alaskarailroad.com
Trick or Treat Street is a free and fun event for families and children to trick or treat from business to business in downtown Anchorage in a safe and friendly environment from Noon to 4 p.m. anchoragedowntown.org
Enjoy kid’s crafts and activities and learn about creatures thought to be “creepy” at the Creamer’s Field Farmhouse Visitor Center. riendsofcreamersfield.org
For this event forty acres of Pioneer Park are transformed into Trick or Treat Town, a whimsical, family-friendly “spook”tacular place. Activities include trick-or-treating, free steam engine train rides around the park, a photo booth, face painting, carnival games, balloon animals, costume contests, a hay bale maze, and visits from beloved characters. pioneerpark.us
Costumed superheroes, zombies, and scary monsters of all kinds are invited to see bones and bugs, bats and birds in the museum’s research labs and explore the galleries at the Alaska Museum of the North. Admission is free, but attendees are encouraged to bring a donation for the Fairbanks Food Bank. uaf.edu/museum/
Fancy, silly, glitzy, or gruesome—put on a mask and join the Friends of the Alaska State Library, Archives, and Museum for a fun evening of food, music, and dance at the Alaska State Museum from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. foslam.org
The whole family is invited to fun and festivities at the Halloween Carnival, taking place at the Skagway Recreation Center from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. skagwayrecreation.org
Old Town Autumn Fest is hosted by the Wasilla Museum. All ages are invited to this free event to do some trick-or-treating in the Historic Town Site at the Wasilla Museum & Visitor Center. The evening also includes wagon rides, kids’ activities, and hot cider and cookies from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
At this ghoulish and fun-filled event, participants are invited to trick-or-treat amidst historic and Halloween characters as well as take a trip through the Haunted Historical Whitney Section house or visit the spooky train from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry. museumofalaska.org
This annual festival kicks off the fall holiday season with games, costume contests, food, and picking pumpkins, all at the Downtown Pavillion. wrangellchamber.org