We Publish “Stuff”
headshot of Charles Bell

know—the headline isn’t very elegant. It is purposely vague because it was written to capture your attention. To get you to read more. We do publish “stuff,” specifically magazines, but it doesn’t end there. Alaska Business Publishing Co.’s flagship publication is Alaska Business, the magazine you are reading right now. But did you know we also publish The Alaska Contractor, the official quarterly magazine of the Associated General Contractors of Alaska?

We are proud of our partnership with AGC of Alaska and are blessed to work with its incredibly talented and dedicated team led by Executive Director Alicia Amberg. As advocates for the construction industry, their mission perfectly aligns with ours: promoting economic growth in Alaska.

If you want to reach our audience through Alaska Business or The Alaska Contractor, contact our sales team, and let’s talk advertising. We are eager to help you develop a plan to reach your marketing goals and expand your brand presence with our readership.

Alaska Business Publishing Co. can also work with you and your business on special projects, such as corporate anniversary booklets. If your company has a significant milestone coming up that you want to commemorate, let us know, and we can talk about various options to help you celebrate with an attractive and memorable product (print or digital) that people will want to read. Let’s talk!

For editorial-related ideas: email our Managing Editor, Tasha Anderson, at editor@akbizmag. She would love to hear your topic ideas or industry trends that we should explore.

For advertising inquiries: contact our sales team. We would be happy to help you engage with our readers by helping develop an advertising strategy based on your goals and budget. You can reach me at cbell@akbizmag.com.

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