Business Events


March 5-6
SWAMC Annual Conference
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage: The Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference provides economic development and advocacy for Southwest Alaska.
March 12-13
Alaska Forest Association Spring Meeting

Baranof Hotel, Juneau: The Alaska Forest Association’s goal is “maintaining healthy forests for today and tomorrow” and its members hold in common general business interests in the timber industry of Alaska.

March 13-15
Alaska Academy of Family Physicians Winter Update

Hotel Alyeska, Girdwood: The Winter Update is an opportunity to earn CME credit and learn about a range of topics that interest Alaska’s family physicians.

March 20
Meet Alaska Conference
Anchorage Marriott: Hosted by the Alliance, this is the largest one-day energy conference in Alaska and includes educational forums and a tradeshow.
March 23-26
American Fisheries Society Annual Chapter Meeting
Westmark Fairbanks: Sessions will address the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society’s mission to improve conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing scientific research and promoting fisheries professionals’ professional development.
March 24-26
Alaska Tribal Transportation Symposium

Embassy Suites Hotel, Anchorage: The annual symposium is designed for tribal leaders, managers, and administrators and transportation staff; transportation and infrastructure professionals; federal and state representatives; and all those seeking to learn more about tribal transportation and transportation challenges in remote Alaska communities.

March 26-28
ComFish Alaska
Kodiak: ComFish is the largest commercial fishing show in Alaska and the longest running fisheries trade show in the state; this year’s theme is “Sea What Matters in 2020.”


April 2-3
AKHIMA Annual Meeting
The Alaska Health Information Management Association (AKHIMA) is a state organization affiliated with the national organization American Health Information Management Association, an association of health information management professionals worldwide.
April 2-4
AKMGMA Annual Conference
Alyeska Resort, Girdwood: This is the annual conference for the Medical Group Management Association Alaska, and the theme for 2020 is “Healthcare’s a Beach: You Can’t Stop the Waves but You Can Learn How to Surf.”
April 2-4
Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum
Dillingham: The theme of the 2020 conference is “Visions for the Future”; the conference will focus on future threats and opportunities in the face of a changing climate.
April 7-8
Governor’s Safety and Health Conference
Dena’ina Center, Anchorage: The Alaska Safety Advisory Council works with organizations to promote safety so that resources can be marshaled and used to reduce accidental death and injury.
April 21-24
Kodiak Area Marine Science Symposium
Kodiak Harbor Convention Center: The symposium offers an opportunity for stakeholders to engage and understand how Kodiak’s marine environment and resources function, change, and affect our lives and livelihoods. In addition, it offers opportunities for researchers to form a plan for integrated, cooperative, and community-inspired marine research.
April 24-25
AKSRT Annual Meeting and Educational Conference
Alyeska Resort, Girdwood: This annual event offers a single location for companies as well as imaging specialists from all modalities to network with the largest audience of their peers in Alaska.


May 4-7
AWWMA Annual Statewide Conference
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage: This is a venue to bring information, technology, expertise, curiosity, hunger, and thirst (for refreshment and knowledge) to the Water and Wastewater industry professionals in Alaska.
May 7
ACP Alaska Chapter Meeting
Sheraton Hotel & Spa, Anchorage: ACP is the American College of Physicians, and the annual chapter meeting is an opportunity for CME credits and MOC points.
May 14-15
Alaska State HR Conference
Anchorage Hilton: The 2020 Conference theme is “Power of the Past, Force of the Future.”
May 14-16
ACUL Annual Meeting
Girdwood: The Alaska Credit Union League’s annual meeting is an opportunity to gather, network, and learn.
May 28
Alaska Oil & Gas Association
Dena’ina Center, Anchorage: AOGA hosts a one-day conference focused on industry trends, legal and scientific issues surrounding development, and national and state-level energy policies and politics.