Alaska Trends
ehicles are a home away from home—or rather a home between home and anywhere else. They are liminal spaces, neither origin nor destination, and only when in motion do they fulfill their teleological potential. Vehicles also have engines that go VROOM!
In this edition of Alaska Trends, we put some numbers on the impact of vehicles, particularly land vehicles. To start with, how many roads are there? The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) classifies pavement and its maintenance jurisdiction; all but 18.6 miles of the 2,019 miles of interstate-grade highways and principal arterials are the state’s direct responsibility.
DOT&PF also tracks usage of roads in terms of millions of vehicle miles, which doesn’t exactly parallel the population registered with the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles. That figure seems to reveal the long shadow of the statewide economic recession, whereas miles traveled reflects the sudden stay at home in 2020. The fuel consumption trend is flatter, perhaps thanks to greater efficiency per mile. The US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center tracks carbon emissions, with some surprising results for gasoline-hybrid cars versus plug-in hybrids that draw grid electricity.
Let’s fasten seatbelts and find out what’s under the hood.