Lindsey Atkins was promoted to Branch Manager of Northrim’s Jewel Lake branch. Atkins has nine years of experience in the financial industry, with five of those years spent at Northrim. Her education includes time at North Idaho College and UAA. Atkins also serves as an active volunteer in the Anchorage community.
David Byrne has been named Commercial Loan Officer at Northrim’s Juneau Financial Center. Byrne comes to Northrim with twenty-one years of experience at financial institutions throughout Alaska. He holds a bachelor’s degree from UAA.
Loren Olsen joins Northrim as Vice President and Lending Branch Manager. Olsen has twenty years of lending experience in Alaska and Montana. While earning his masters of business administration from California State University, Fullerton, he also gained experience working in corporate finance. Olsen previously served as a board member for the local Chamber of Commerce, Home Builders Association, and Realtor’s Association.
Marc Guevarra has been banking in Alaska for almost two decades and joins First National as a loan officer. Guevarra will be based at the Valley Centre Branch in Juneau. He received his bachelor’s in business administration from UAA.
The Anchorage First National team also welcomes Carmen Maldonado as a Mortgage Loan Originator. In addition to being a member of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, Maldonado has a bachelor’s in organizational management and an associate’s in business administration.
The bank’s corporate headquarters welcomes Assistant Vice President Michelle Weiss. Weiss is an accredited mortgage professional with a decade of experience. Weiss is president of the Alaska Mortgage Bankers Association and the director of the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women in Anchorage.