Alaska Trends
op quiz! A 15-year mortgage typically requires higher monthly payments than a 30-year mortgage but the total interest payments will be less. True or false?
Knowing the answer can mean the difference between saving or spending thousands of dollars for homeowners, and not knowing could discourage potential buyers from adding a home to their personal wealth. That’s why the FINRA Investor Education Foundation asks that question as part of its National Financial Capability Study. You can take the quiz online at and test your own financial literacy.
FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is a non-government watchdog that oversees securities trading, so one of its tactics to protect the public from swindlers is, in essence, self-defense training. And, just like martial arts, although financial literacy might rarely be used against an actual aggressor, exercising the skill is part of a healthy lifestyle.
To extend the simile, Junior Achievement is a dojo for financial literacy, economics, and career (FLEC) education. However, whereas STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) has become a focus of public school curricula, FLEC is on the periphery. It’s up to JA volunteers to bring FLEC into schools.
Yes, it’s true: a 15-year mortgage results in lower interest over the life of the loan. Anyone who answered correctly can count themselves lucky to have that level of financial literacy, whether they learned it from school, JA, or life experience. In this edition of Alaska Trends, we flex our FLEC muscles and find out who is penny wise or pound foolish.

The expected family contribution (EFC) affects what additional benifits students gain through financial education.

An additional 3% get grants
3% fewer carry a lower credit card balance
3.5% fewer students work during school
An additional 4% receive subsidized loans
Those who take out private loans borrow $2,300 less

B) They will fall
C) They will stay the same
D) There is no relationship between bond prices and the interest rate