By Janis Plume
Senior Account Manager
firmly believe that the readers of Alaska Business have what I call the “Curiosity Factor.” Our readers—regular and occasional—are drawn to our magazine with both broad and specific interests. We deliver compelling and engaging stories about Alaska as a whole and about targeted industries and people, because the reality is that “business reporting” is both a specific angle and touches on almost every aspect of daily, modern life.. Every issue has something for every reader to pull readers into our pages. Curiosity takes over.
Curiosity is a significant factor for our April issue when we publish the Alaska Corporate 100, ranking businesses based on the number of Alaskans they employ. Often our readers are surprised by the ranked list, both by employers that have more and those that have fewer workers than they anticipated. From year to year, they want to know who the pack leaders are who’s moving up the list.? The Corporate 100 annual rankings give our readers a unique look at employment in Alaska that, as of today, isn’t available anywhere else.
The Curiosity Factor has significant benefits for advertisers as well. Advertising in this widely-read issue is an excellent medium to showcase your business with an ad placed within the context of the Corporate 100 content. Every business person wants their company’s brand, products, and services to be associated with businesses keeping Alaskans employed, and advertising in April’s Alaska Business magazine can effectively get your company noticed. The ad space reservation deadline for the April 2022 issue of Alaska Business is February 21.
Contact your account manager if you’re curious about advertising your business in April’s Corporate 100 issue. We’ll help you get your company noticed by a readership that is not only curious but actively makes business decisions daily. Are you curious yet?