By Janis Plume, Senior Account Manager
Almost thirty-seven years later, Alaska’s premier business magazine consistently draws interest from readers month after month, but like any living entity, the publishing year has an ebb and flow. As we transition from a frantic period of summer activity to regroup in autumn, our readers’ interest seems to reach a zenith with our October issue. The Top 49ers issue is our biggest and most widely read edition of the year. Our advertisers can count on exceptional reach with their print ads in October. It’s not uncommon for our readership to exceed 50,000+ with the October issue. Further, the Top 49ers issue gets bonus distribution at business and industry events like the Alaska Miners Association convention, the RDC fall conference, and the AGC of Alaska annual convention. Your advertising stands out firmly in this outstanding issue with significant reach and added distribution.
The Top 49ers is more than a glorified list of factoids. It is a collection of company-submitted data about the state’s biggest home-grown businesses. Being a member of the Top 49ers is a fiscal feather in the business cap since the rankings are based on gross revenue. A smart marketing strategy is to align your advertising with solid content devoted to these award- winning businesses.
The dog days of an Alaska summer in August is the perfect time to plan your ad efforts in this October’s Top 49ers issue of Alaska Business. Get in contact with your account manager and discuss placement options. The October issue’s deadline for reserving ad space is August 22, and the ad copy is due August 29. Don’t miss the opportunity for your business to share a page with some of Alaska’s largest industry leaders.