Alaska Trends


laska is rich in natural resources, so it naturally follows that exports are a vital part of the state’s economy. Alaska has a long history of strong trade relationships with Asia: its three largest export partners (by value) are China, South Korea, and Japan, which account for more than 50 percent of Alaska exports according to 2018 data from the US Census Bureau. And relationships in that region continue to grow—the countries to which Alaska increased exports the most in 2018 include Singapore, Indonesia, and South Korea.

By value, the largest Alaska exports are minerals (zinc tops the list, lead is in the top ten) and seafood (frozen fish meat; frozen fish; frozen Alaska pollock fillets; frozen livers, roe, and milt; frozen sockeye salmon, and frozen cod are in the top ten). The greatest increase in an export (by value) from 2017 to 2018 was “military equipment, not identified,” which jumped 325 percent from $4 million to $16 million.

Growing Trade Partners
Increased value of exports from 2017-2018
Growing Trade Partners world map graphic
Top Exports by Category in Alaska

* Other includes: civilian aircraft, engines, and parts; parts of non-powered and powered aircraft, etc.; exports of military equipment, not identifi ed; coniferous wood in the rough, not treated.

Zinc Clipart
IS AK’s #1
FIsh Meat in Alaska clipart
IS AK’s #2
Zinc clipart
IS AK’s #1
FIsh Meat in Alaska clipart
IS AK’s #2
Alaska Pollock clipart
In 2018 exports of ALASKA POLLOCK grew by 78.9%
is Alaska’s fastest growing export. It grew by 325% in 2018.
Military Equipment Clipart
Military Equipment clipart
is Alaska’s fastest growing export. It grew by 325% in 2018.

ANS Crude Oil Production

ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices

Statewide Employment Figures
Graph of ANS Crude Oil Production

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

Graph of ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

Seasonally Adjusted
Graph of Statewide Employment Figures

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research & Analysis Section

ANS Crude Oil Production

Graph of ANS Crude Oil Production

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices

Graph of ANS West Coast Crude Oil Prices

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Division

Statewide Employment Figures

Seasonally Adjusted

Graph of Statewide Employment Figures

SOURCE: Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development,
Research & Analysis Section